Introduction to concepts of sustainability: impacts of global warming, sustainability indicators – Carbon foot print, Embodied energy and carbon, sustainability analysis – Life Cycle Analysis, EIA – Concept of Green Buildings
Sustainable building materials: Introduction to sustainable building materials, qualities, use, examples – Natural building materials, locally available and locally manufactured materials – wood, earth, stone and lime-based materials.
Contemporary Building Materials- concrete, eco block, stabilized blocks (mud blocks, steam cured blocks, Fal-G Blocks stone masonry block.), insulated concrete forms(ISF), hydra form, prefabs / structural insulating panels, cellulose insulation, adobe, rammed earth, earth sheltered and recycled materials – Bio materials : Properties, application, specification and standards(Indian and International) – Bio materials from industrial waste, mining waste, mineral waste, agricultural waste – Nontoxic materials: low VOC paints, coating and adhesives – Use of waste materials such as paper, glass bottles, tires, shipping containers – Use of post-consumer and industrial waste such as fly-ash, bags, building construction & demolition waste – use of salvaged and recycled materials from flooring, columns, beams, timber, glass, etc.
Alternative Building Materials – Overview and definition of alternative or appropriate building materials – Alternative materials developed and promoted by government organisations like CSIR labs: CBRI and SERC, GRIHA, ASTRA (IISc), BMTPC, HUDCO and its building centres – Alternative materials developed and promoted by non-government organisations DA, Auroville, TERI
Sustainable methods & technologies–Eco friendly and low cost techniques – Different substitute for wall construction – Flemish Bond – Rat Trap Bond – Arches – Panels – Cavity Wall – Ferro Cement and Ferro Concrete constructions – different pre cast members using these materials – Alternate roofing systems – Filler Slab – Composite Beam and Panel Roof -Pre-engineered and ready to use building elements – wood products -steel and plastic –Mivan technique – Contributions of agencies – Costford – Nirmithi Kendra – Habitat
Green building rating systems – Guidelines from IGBC – LEED rating system, TERI-GRIHA rating system.
Codes – Energy Conservation Building Code (BEE), National Building Code.
Green Building Case studies – Residential, Institutional, and Commercial.
Concept of Net Zero buildings – Use of BIPV and other renewable energy in buildings
ICT for Sustainable Construction: Building Information modeling – Introduction to BIM, concepts and benefits, BIM for construction scheduling, cost estimation and construction management. Building Automation – Concepts, components of BA, applications of BA for functional efficiency of buildings.
- Text Books (T)
T1. Ross Spiegel.G, Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification,
3rd Edition by, John Wiley &Sons, 2010
T2. Jagadish. K.S. Alternative Building Materials and Technologies, New age International Pvt Ltd Publishers, 2008
T3. Traci Rose Rider, Stacy Glass, Jessica McNaughton, Understanding Green Building
Materials, W.W. Norton and Company, 2011
T4. Automation Systems in Smart and Green Buildings (Modern Building Technology), Er. VK Jain, Khanna Publishers
T5. P.K. Singh, Rainwater Harvesting: Low cost indigenous and innovative technologies,
Macmillan Publishers India, 2008
T6. Jagadish. K.S. Building with stabilised mud, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt.
Limited, 2007
- Reference Books (R)
R1. Sustainable Building – Design Manual Pt 1 & 2, The Energy and Resources Institute,
TERI, 2004
R2. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers,
R3. Designers, Engineers and Contractors- Chuck Eastman, et al.
R4. BIS, National Building Code 2005, New Delhi, 2005.
R5. Energy Conservation Building Code of India, User manual, 2007
- Course Objectives
Goal of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental concepts of sustainable building construction. After this course, students will develop an awareness on sustainable building materials and construction practices and also exposed to applications of ICT in sustainable construction.
- Course Pre / Co-requisite
MCN 201 Sustainable Engineering
- Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to-
CO1: Explain the fundamental concepts of sustainability.
CO2: Describe the properties and uses of sustainable building materials.
CO3: Identify suitable construction techniques and practices for sustainable buildings.
CO4: Discuss the standards and guidelines for sustainable buildings.
CO5: Comment on the role of BIM and automation in sustainable construction.
- Mapping of Course Outcomes with Program Outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes
PO/ CO | PO1 | PO2 | PO3 | PO4 | PO5 | PO6 | PO7 | PO8 | PO9 | PO10 | PO11 | PO12 | PSO1 | PSO2 | PSO3 |
CO1 | M | M | H | M | M | L | H | ||||||||
CO2 | M | M | H | M | M | L | |||||||||
CO3 | M | M | H | M | L | L | L | ||||||||
CO4 | M | M | H | M | L | L | |||||||||
CO5 | M | M | H | M | L | L | L |