This course provides the knowledge about various types of estimation and specification of different civil engineering works. It equips students to analyze the rate of various items of work with reference to the standard data and schedule of rate. This course develops capability of students to prepare the detailed estimate of various items of work related to civil engineering construction and also preparation of the valuation of land and buildings.
Prescribed Syllabus
Introduction- Quantity Surveying- Basic principles, Role/responsibility of Quantity surveyor at various stages of construction Estimate-Details required, Type of estimate, purposes. Contingencies, Work-charge establishment, Tools and Plant, centage charge, Day work, Prime cost, Provisional sum & provisional Quantity, Overhead charges, Cost index, Contract documents (Brief description only) Bill of Quantity -Typical format-use Item of works- Identify various item of work from the drawings-units of measurement of various materials and works (focus may give to RCC residential building) General rule & method of measurement with reference to Indian Standard SpecificationsIS12
Introduction to the use of schedule of rates as per latest DSR and Analysis of rate as per latest DAR Specifications-General specification of all items of a residential building. Detailed specification (CPWD specifications) of major item of work like Earth work excavation in foundation, masonry, Reinforced cement concrete, finishing of building work Analysis of rates for Earth work in excavation for foundation, mortars, reinforced cement concrete Works, finishing work, masonry work, stone works, flooring with reference to DSR.
Detailed Estimate- Preparation of detailed measurement using Centre line method & Short wall long wall (separate wall) method for RCC single storied building.
Valuation – purpose, factor affecting, introduction to terms-Value, Cost, Price, kinds of values Income- Gross income, net income, outgoings, annuity, sinking fund, Year’s purchase, Depreciation, Methods of calculating depreciation – straight line method – constant percentage method, sinking fund method
Text Books (T)
T1. B. N. Dutta, Estimation and costing in civil engineering, UBS publishers
T2. Rangwala, Estimation Costing and Valuation,Charotar publishing house pvt. Ltd
T3. Dr. S. Seetha Raman, M.Chinna swami, Estimation and quantity surveying, Anuradha publications Chennai.
T4. M Chakraborthy, Estimating, Costing, Specification and valuation, published by the author, 21 B, Babanda Road, Calcutta 26
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Define basic terms related to estimation, quantity surveying and contract document.
CO2: Interpret the item of work from drawings and explain its general specification and unit of measurement.
CO3: Make use of given data from CPWD DAR/DSR for calculating the unit rate of different items of work associated with building construction.
CO4: Develop detailed measurement (including BBS) and BoQ for buildings
CO5: Explain various basic terms related to valuation of land and building.
CO6: Develop valuation of buildings using different methods of valuation.
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CO1 | M | M | |||||||||||||
CO2 | M | M | M | ||||||||||||
CO3 | H | M | M | H | |||||||||||
CO4 | H | M | M | M | M | M | H | M | |||||||
CO5 | M | M | M | ||||||||||||
CO6 | H | M | M | M | M | M | H | M |