Course Code: MET 307
Course Name: Metrology and Machine Tools
Course Prerequisite: None
Course Objectives
- To develop knowledge of appropriate process parameters to be used for various machining operations.
2. Understand the fundamentals of modem quality concepts. Be able to apply statistical techniques.
3. Understand the principles and operation of precision measurement tools and equipment used in modern manufacturing.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course students should be able to:
CO1: Analyze various machining process and calculate relevant quantities such us velocities, forces and powers.
CO2: Analyze of the tool nomenclature with surface roughness obtainable in each machining processes.
CO3: Understand the limitations of various machining process with regard to shape formation and surface texture.
CO4: Demonstrate knowledge of the underlying principles of measurement, as they relate to mechanical measurement, electronic instrumentation, and thermal effects.
CO5: Get an exposure to advanced measuring devices and machine tool metrology.
Course References:
R1. Acharkan. N., Machine Tool Design Vol. 1 to 4, MIR Publication
R2. Chernov, Machine Tools, MIR Publication.
R3. HajraChoudary, Elements of workshop technology, Vol I & II, Media Publishers.
R4. ASME, Hand book of Industrial Metrology.
R5. Hume K. J., Engineering Metrology, Macdonald &Co. Ltd.
R6. Sharp K.W.B., Practical Engineering Metrology, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd.