Course code : MET301
Course name : Mechanics of Machinery
Course Pre / Co-requisite: Engineering Mechanics (EST 100)
Course Objectives
- This course aims to introduce the students to the fundamentals of the kinematics of various mechanisms and also its analysis for its displacement, velocity, and acceleration.
- The course will also cover the design of cams, theory and analysis of gears, gear trains and synthesis of mechanisms. The static force analysis of planar mechanisms and concept of gyroscopic couple along with its effect has also been included.
- This course also aids students in estimating unbalance in rotating and reciprocating masses and suggesting methods to overcome it.
Course Outcomes
After the completion of the course the students will be able to
CO 1: Explain the fundamentals of kinematics, various planar mechanisms and interpret the basic principles of mechanisms and machines
CO 2: Perform analysis and synthesis of mechanisms
CO 3: Solve the problem on cams and gear drives, including selection depending on requirement.
CO 4 Calculate the gyroscopic effect in various situations
CO 5 Analyse rotating and reciprocating masses for its unbalance
Course References:
C. E. Wilson, P. Sadler, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Pearson Education,2005.
D.H. Myskza, Machines and Mechanisms Applied Kinematic Analysis, Pearson Education,2013