MET 302
Heat & Mass Transfer
The objectives of the course are:
• To introduce the various modes of heat transfer and to develop methodologies for solving a
wide variety of practical heat transfer problems
• To provide useful information concerning the performance and design of simple heat transfer
• Conceive the energy balance in any thermal practical situation involving heat transfer
• To introduce mass transfer.
Prerequisite: MET203 Mechanics of Fluids, MET202 Engineering Thermodynamics
Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Apply principles of heat and mass transfer to engineering problems
CO 2 Analyse and obtain solutions to problems involving various modes of heat transfer
CO 3 Design heat transfer systems such as heat exchangers, fins, radiation shields etc.
CO 4 Define laminar and turbulent boundary layers and ability to formulate energy equation in
flow systems.
Text Books
1. Sachdeva R.C., Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age Science
Limited, 2009
2. R.K.Rajput. Heat and mass transfer, S.Chand &Co., 2015
3. Nag P.K., Heat and Mass Transfer, McGrawHill, 2011
4. Kothandaraman C.P., Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, New Age International, New
Data Book
Heat and Mass Transfer data book: C.P. Kothandaraman, S. Subramanya, New age International