Course Code: MET306
Course Name: Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
Course Prerequisite: MET 205 Metallurgy and material science and MET204 Manufacturing Processes.
Course Objectives:
- Understand the capabilities, limitations of conventional manufacturing & machining process and what the need of advanced manufacturing processes is.
- Understand, how to formulate tool path and program CNC machines.
- Understand, how PLC operate and control automated equipment and systems.
- Understand the need of atomic level surface roughness and machining process.
- Understand the need of high velocity forming of metals
Course Outcomes:
After the successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Conversant with the advanced machining process and to appreciate the effect of process parameters on the surface integrity aspects during the advanced machining process.
CO2: Develop CNC programming, select appropriate tooling and fixtures.
CO3: Categorize the various non-traditional material removal process based on energy sources and mechanism employed.
CO4: Analyze the processes and evaluate the role of each process parameter during micro machining of various advanced material removal processes.
CO5: Explain the processes used in additive manufacturing for a range of materials and applications.
Course References:
- Yoram Koren, Computer control of manufacturing systems, TMH
- Jain V.K., Introduction to Micromachining, Narosa publishers.
- Davies K and Austin E.R, Developments in high speed metal forming, the machinery publishing Co, 1970, SBN -853332053