Course code: MET458
Course name: Advanced Energy Engineering
Course Pre / Co-requisite: Nil
Course Objectives:
a) To give an idea about global energy scenario and conventional energy sources.
b) To understand solar, wind and Biomass energy.
c) To know concepts of other renewable energy sources.
d) To create awareness on the impacts of energy conversion and importance of sustainable energy
Course Outcome:
CO1: Explain the concept of various types of power generation
CO2: Explain solar and wind power generation and its economics
CO3: Explain biomass energy sources and its economics
CO4: Explain various renewable energy sources
CO5: Explain environmental impacts of various energy generation
Course References:
1. David Merick, Richard Marshall, Energy, Present and Future Options, Vol.I & II, John Wiley & Sons, 2001
2. Godfrey Boyle, Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future, Oxford University Press, 2012
3. HerbertE.Merritt, Hydraulic control systems, JohnWiley&Sons, 2012
4. Roland Wengenmayr, Thomas Buhrke, ‘Renewable Energy: Sustainable energy concepts for the future, Wiley – VCH, 2012
5. Twidell J W and Weir A D, Renewable Energy Resources, UK, E&F.N. Spon Ltd., 2006
Target audiences
- B. Tech Mechanical Engineering students