Description about the course
Engineering Chemistry for B.Tech students is a foundational course that explores the fundamental principles of chemistry as they apply to engineering disciplines. It covers topics such as electrochemistry, corrosion, spectroscopy, instrumental methods, nanomaterials, stereochemistry, polymer chemistry and water technology. Through theoretical knowledge and practical applications, students gain a comprehensive understanding of how chemistry impacts various engineering fields, equipping them with essential skills for problem-solving, analysis, and innovation in their future careers.
Course Objectives
To enable the students to acquire knowledge in the concepts of chemistry for engineering applications and to familiarize the students with different application-oriented topics like spectroscopy, electrochemistry, instrumental methods etc. Also familiarize the students with topics like mechanism of corrosion, corrosion prevention methods, SEM, stereochemistry, polymers, desalination etc., which enable them to develop abilities and skills that are relevant to the study and practice of chemistry.
Course Pre / Co-requisite
Concepts of chemistry introduced at the plus two levels in schools.
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, students are able to
CO 1. Apply the basic concepts of electrochemistry and corrosion to explore its possible applications in various engineering fields.
CO 2. Understand various spectroscopic techniques like UV-Visible, IR, NMR and its applications.
CO 3. Apply the knowledge of analytical method for characterizing a chemical mixture or a compound. Understand the basic concept of SEM for surface characterisation of nanomaterials.
CO 4. Learn about the basics of stereochemistry and its application. Apply the knowledge of conducting polymers and advanced polymers in engineering.
CO 5. Study various types of water treatment methods to develop skills for treating wastewater.
Text Books (T)
T1. B. L. Tembe, Kamaluddin, M. S. Krishnan, “Engineering Chemistry
(NPTEL Web-book)”, 2018.
T2. P. W. Atkins, “Physical Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, 10th edn.,
Reference Books (R)
R1. C. N. Banwell, “Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy”, McGraw-Hill, 4th edn., 1995.
R2. Donald L. Pavia, “Introduction to Spectroscopy”, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., 2015.
R3. B. R. Puri, L. R. Sharma, M. S. Pathania, “Principles of Physical Chemistry”, Vishal Publishing Co., 47th Edition, 2017.
R4. H. H. Willard, L. L. Merritt, “Instrumental Methods of Analysis”, CBS Publishers, 7th Edition, 2005.
R5. Ernest L. Eliel, Samuel H. Wilen, “Stereo-chemistry of Organic Compounds”, WILEY, 2008.
R6. Raymond B. Seymour, Charles E. Carraher, “Polymer Chemistry: An Introduction”, Marcel Dekker Inc; 4th Revised Edition, 1996.
R7. MuhammedArif, Annette Fernandez, Kavitha P. Nair “Engineering Chemistry”, Owl Books, 2019.
R8. Ahad J., “Engineering Chemistry”, Jai Publication, 2019.
R9. Roy K. Varghese, “Engineering Chemistry”, Crownplus Publishers, 2019. R10. Soney C. George, Rino Laly Jose, “Text Book of Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Pvt Ltd, 2019.
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